Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Zero to Hero, a Major Hunk; and Who'd Have Thunk?

There are a lot of songs our there that remind me of my sweetheart Daren. Pretty much any love song I hear, and if he isn't already on my mind (not often) he pops right up. Well I was running with my ipod a few days ago and thinking of my fiancee' when this song came on. As I listened, I was reminded of a time when Daren meant almost nothing to me, and I to him. When we knew eachother, but didn't know eachother. I thought about how quickly that changed just one short year later. He went from "Zero, to Hero" in my eyes. When I thought this, I laughed outloud, and continued laughing as the song played. Then I played it again and laughed again. So I thought I'd share and maybe you'd laugh too :)

He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a hotshot,
He's a hero
Here was a kid with his act down packed
From zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero just like that

Say amen
There he goes again
Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up
Just to watch him flex
And this perfect package
packed a pair of pretty pecs
(Ok this REALLY made me laugh)

He sure had moxie, brains, and spunk
From zero to hero a major hunk
Zero to hero and who'da thunk?

Isn't he bold?
Nobody braver.
Is he sweet?
Our favorite flavor!

I still, after all this time can't believe I'm engaged to Daren Cullimore. The same Daren Cullimore that I barely knew, barely acknowledged in 2009. And now, he really is my hero. My protecting, providing, presiding, priesthood wielding hero. Husband Hero! To the rescue!

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