Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Thousands have gathered. There has been months of preparation: sweat, tears, pushing to the point of exhaustion, countless hours dedicated to a single event.Saturday November 6, 2010. A day that seemed as though it would never come, and here it is. Three thousand people crowded together at 6:30 AM from all over the state, squinting into a bright light, all preparing their minds for the moment of truth. The announcement is made, "One minute!" then "Thirty seconds!" The mob begins to move forward, slow and steady. Nerves churning in the stomach's of every person in the throng. I step on the thick plastic starting mat shoulder to shoulder with those around me. We soon spread out and then it hits me. I'm finally doing it! The cool ocean air rushes past as I speed up, passing person after person, watching others pass me. I take a moment to soak it in, tears of joy burn in my chest, but do not come to my eyes. I have never felt so free. Determination takes over and I charge forward. I feel as though I'm part of something. Something important. Those around me are not competitors, but comrades all fighting for greatness. Battling the odds and pushing past physical pain to reach a higher existence. A noble cause to me it seems, although I realize that this whole affair will only take us thirteen miles from where we began. Just thirteen miles, and yet I know that when I cross that finish line, I will be so far from where I started. We are runners. We are exceptional: doing things most people scoff at, things that most people couldn't imagine doing, or enjoying for that matter and yet as I run down that street surrounded by three thousand strangers, I find it impossible to keep my lips from stretching into a liberated smile. I'm flying! Time passes. Still running. Weariness hits like a train, head on and crippling. I begin to slow down. I see a mile marker. Seven miles, less than an hour has passed, I've never been this fast. A new possibility blossoms in my mind. A new goal is anchored in my bosom. A new determination pours into my fading limbs. New energy, new life. Miles eight and nine pass fueled by resolution. Then I see it. I stare up at what I knew was coming, but I almost hoped wouldn't. Lean forward. Pump arms. Climb higher and higher. Don't stop, can't stop. Burning muscles, dripping sweat, eyes on the top. Runners pour over the top of the hill and there suddenly seems to be more air. I stretch out my legs and let gravity whisk me away. Three miles left. Two miles. One mile and I'm suddenly nervous again. How can one last mile be more intimidating than all the others? But there it is, one never ending mile. People appear at the sidelines with signs and shouts of encouragement. My eyes search for the end, and then it appears. Speed speed speed! And suddenly I'm walking...it's over. I have done it. I'VE DONE IT! I have to let it sink in. Stiff and tired and smiling I wait for my sister and dear friend to join me at the end of our journey. A sense of pride and fulfillment lift me off the ground and I float into cloud of euphoria. Who knew 13 miles could take me so far?

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